Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kiva Loan Repaid!

I just got an email today that the small Kiva loan I made was repaid. Those of you who follow my blog will remember that I made that loan about a year and a half ago (post here). I just find it kind of funny that I get an email about full loan repayment to an Nigerian entrepreneur in the midst of an economic crises in the US where people making 100x Jeoffery's income can't even pay off their credit cards.

Below is the text I received from Kiva about the microloan made to Jeoffery:
This is an update on your loan to Jeoffery Ogbvo in Nigeria.

Jeoffery sells provisions like drinks,tomatoes
paste,milk,detergent,etc.He used his last kiva loan to purchase more
provisions to sell.With the profits he made from his sale.He used it in
the payment of his childern school fees.He has fully repaid his kiva
loan.He says thank you to all kiva lenders and Lapo microfinance.

Additional notes from Kiva:

1. This update was posted from Nigeria by Kiva's Field Partner, Lift
Above Poverty Organization (LAPO). If you appreciate this update, please
consider supporting another entrepreneur listed by this Field Partner.
You can view other fundraising loans of Lift Above Poverty Organization
(LAPO) here:
It just makes you reconsider how we view financial stability in this world. There are a lot of things we need to reconsider and we should take what president-elect Obama said in his election night speech to heart.
"This victory alone is not the change we seek - it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you."
Casting a ballot for "change" means very little -- especially in California where the same voters that overwhelmingly selected Obama also voted to ban gay marriage; what hypocrisy! We should all consider ways to make the world better. I will continue to support entrepreneurs through Kiva, mentorship, and ways I best know how; and I hope you will support your communities in the ways you best know how as well.

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