Tuesday, July 29, 2008

California Lovin'

Some of you have contacted me about the latest coverage of CoNotes on Mashable (http://mashable.com/2008/07/28/conotes/). It really is great to hear that CoNotes is getting some attention and I truly appreciate all the support.

Since my last post, a lot has happened. I have since moved out to the Bay Area and am loving the perfect weather! Every day has been 75 and sunny. It's too bad I've spent a large amount of that time inside a coffee shop doing work. But on those days I can get outside, it is awesome. Much better weather than that Chicago cicada summer of 2007. It's also great that I have a number of family and friends out here. Thanks to Ed and Eugene, whom I crashed with for the first 3 weeks I was out here.

I really wanted, though, to write about the wave of emotions that I have been going through. Things like emails from users who appreciate what I am doing are very encouraging. But then I hear about competitors and problems, and I start to question myself. These messages come in every 15 minutes, and I'm in a constant up-down motion.

By now, I've kind of numbed myself to any news. I know I can't get myself too high on anything good or too low on anything bad. I am focusing on getting the work done and taking care of all the tasks that require attention.

Sorry I can't write more, but I'm now starting to think about all the stuff I need to take care of today. So back to work for me. Before I leave, though, I wanted to comment on the passing of Dr. Randy Pausch.

Like most of you, I discovered Dr. Pausch on YouTube. His "Last Lecture" was moving and inspirational. And I find it ironic that it took such a tragic disease to bring him into the spotlight. The message that I took to heart from his speech was this:

We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

I hope I am playing my hand as well as possible.